Ecton Hill


Grid Reference: SK 09979 57997

Flush Bracket Number: S2765

Type: Pillar

Built: 26th March 1940

Historic Use: Secondary

Current Use: None


Ecton Hill's trig point with Chrome and Parkhouse Hills
in the distance.

Ecton Hill's Flush Bracket


Thursday 10th May 2007

Hulme End car park - Manifold Way - Ecton Hill (TP) - Wetton Hill - Wetton - Thor's Cave - Wetton Mill - Ecton Bridge - Manifold Way - Hulme End car park

Wednesday 31st January 2007

Hulme End car park - Manifold Way - Ecton Bridge - Wetton Mill - Ecton Hill (TP) - Ecton - Manifold Way - Hulme End car park

Sunday 19th February 2006

Weag's Bridge - Wetton - Back of Ecton - Ecton Hill (TP) - Wetton Mill - Manifold Valley - Weag's Bridge


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