Stanley Force - Lake District Walk

Saturday 10th May 2008

We arrived at Eskdale shortly after lunchtime and once we had pitched the tent and had a refreshing pint at the Brook House we decided to make the most of the warm weather and go for a short evening walk. As the views were almost none-existent we opted for a low level walk along the banks of the river Esk to Stanley Force.

Start: Eskdale campsite (NY 1780 0106)

Route: Eskdale campsite - St Catherine's Church - Stanley Force - Underbank - Doctor Bridge - St Catherine's Church - Eskdale campsite

Distance: 5.25 miles     Ascent: 239 metres      Time Taken: 2 hours 55 mins

Terrain: Good paths.

Weather: Hot and very hazy.

Pub Visited: Brook House Inn, Boot    Ale Drunk: Tim Taylors Landlord

Route Map >>


Stepping Stones

There were plenty of people enjoying the warm weather at the stepping stones by St Catherine's Church.

Stanley Gill

Following the well signed path alongside Stanley Gill.

Stanley Force

There were signs of a landslip as we reached Stanley Force.

Stanley Force

Stanley Force.

Stanley Force

Stanley Force.

Lower falls

The lower falls.

Stanley Gill

Looking back down the path to the falls.

Gate & Hartley Crags

Looking towards Gate Crag (L) and Hartley Crag (R).

Hartley Crag

Hartley Crag.


A very hazy view of Scafell and Slight Side as we head down to the river Esk.

An un-named tarn below Gate Crag.

With a very welcome seat in the shade.

Doctor Bridge

Reflections in the calm waters at Doctor Bridge.

St Catherine's Church

Exploring St Catherine's Church, although we couldn't go inside today because the floor had just been screed.


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