Crich Stand - Peak District Walk

Thursday 12th June 2008

I haven't been out walking for the past three weeks due to injuring my foot, so today's walk was simply a case of finding somewhere local and seeing how it went. When I set out I had no definite plans but as I have been thinking of doing a walk around Crich I ended up heading uphill to Crich Stand, the memorial site for what was formerly the Sherwood Foresters Regiment.

Start: Whatstandwell Station (SK 333 541)

Route: Whatstandwell Station - Cromford Canal - Wakebridge - Crich Mount (TP) - Wakebridge - Cromford Canal - Whatstandwell Station

Distance: 5 miles     Ascent: 212 metres      Time Taken: 2 hours 20 mins

Terrain: Good paths.

Weather: Sunshine & showers.

Pub Visited: None    Ale Drunk: None

Route Map >>


Whatstandwell Station

Whatstandwell Station, the location for the start of the walk.

Heading uphill to Wakebridge, through unnamed woods.

Plenty of wildflowers growing in the fields near Coddington Farm.

Daises, I think.

More wild flowers as the sun comes out.

The recent shower has left raindrops on the flowers.

More flowers at Wakebridge

Crich Tram Museum

The route crosses the tram lines which are part of Crich's Tram Museum.

Crich Stand

Looking across the quarry to Crich Strand.

The view out towards Tansley.

Crich Stand

Crich Stand.

The Plot of Remembrance with some recently placed memorial crosses.

Plenty of memorials at the site.

Another memorial.


Looking towards Crich from the Memorial Tower. Some of you will know Crich better as the original Cardale in Peak Practice.

Crich Stand

The new beacon is believed to stand on the site of one used in 1588 to warn of the approaching Spanish Armada.

Crich Stand

Crich Stand.

Crich Mount trig

Crich Mount's trig point, which is hidden away behind the tower.

Derwent Valley

Looking across the Derwent Valley to Bolehill.

Following the path around the edge of the quarry.

One of the trams from the Tram Museum.

Cromford Canal

Walking alongside Cromford Canal. Anyone who saw the recent BBC drama on Florence Nightingale might have thought the shots of her walking home after getting off the train looked familiar as they were filmed alongside the canal.


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