Hanging Stone - Peak District Walk

Tuesday 1st March 2011

I had planned on doing this walk in January but a reoccurrence of my back injury meant it was delayed for a couple of months, today's weather more than made up for the delay. It was a combination of work and pleasure today as I was writing up the route for one of the magazines I supply walks for.

Start: Gradbach car park (SJ 9986 6622)

Route: Gradbach car park - Dane Valley Way - Danebridge - Hanging Stone - Lud's Church - Gradbach car park

Distance: 6 miles     Ascent: 344 metres      Time Taken: 3 hours 55 mins

Terrain: Good, but very muddy paths.

Weather: Warm and sunny.

Pub Visited: None    Ale Drunk: None

Route Map >>


Approaching the youth hostel and the hill that I'm going to both walk around and over comes into view.

Back Forest

The Dane Valley Way track is easy to follow.

River Dane

River Dane.

Hammerton Knowl

Leaving the woods and Hammerton Knowl comes into view.

Dane Valley Way

Looking back towards Midgley Hill and this tree dominates the view.


The bridge at Danebridge.

Croker Hill

Heading towards the Hanging Stone and the transmitter on Croker Hill comes into view.

Hanging Stone

Hanging Stone.

Hanging Stone

Heading up to the Hanging Stone and my planned lunchtime spot is taken.

The Roaches

Looking across to the Roaches from Hanging Stone.


In the opposite direction Shutlingsloe comes into view.

Back Forest

A change of plan and I make an out and back trip to the top of the ridge along Back Forest for lunch with a view. As I left here I found a Canon camera lens cover, if it's yours get in touch.

Hammerton Knowl

Heading back into the woods with the view opening up to include Hammerton Knowl.

Lud's Church

Another diversion to Lud's Church. I didn't venture in too far as it looked
very muddy at the bottom and I didn't fancy getting stuck in it.

Unnamed rocks in Back Forest.

Turn Edge

They are well worth exploring for this view along the valley to Turn Edge.


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