Shining Tor - Peak District Walk

Tuesday 7th May 2024

As it has finally stopped raining and the paths have had a chance to dry out we decided to venture back into the Peak District today. The mud-fest that it has appeared to be since last November has held no appeal for me and on the few times we have had a prolonged dry spell we have been unable to get out walking. Today's walk was surprisingly quiet, we passed very few people, despite it being one of the more popular routes in the Peak District.

Start: Errwood Hall car park (SK 0124 7480)

Route: Errwood Hall car park - Shooter's Clough - Stake Side - Shining Tor (TP) - The Tors - Cats Tor - Pym Chair - Foxlow Edge - Errwood Hall - Errwood Hall car park

Distance: 6.5 miles     Ascent: 393 metres      Time Taken: 3 hrs 50 mins

Terrain: Clear paths

Weather: Warm and dry with a cool breeze on the top.

Pub Visited: None    Ale Drunk: None

Route Map >>


Errwood Reservoir

Setting off from the car park we pass the bench and look back across Errwood Reservior before we disappear into the wood.


Just as we enter the wood we notice the new track that has been laid, more alterations to add to those we spotted on our last visit.


Possibly the track has been installed to help with the removal of the rhododendrons which seem to have been cut back recently.

Errwood Hall

Rather than turn and pass the remains of Errwood Hall we continue straight on until we pass the old gate posts that were once the rear entrance to the hall.


We soon take the track which will lead us to Shooter's Clough.

Shooter's Clough

We cross the unnamed stream in Shooter's Clough quite easily.

Long Hill

As we start to climb we can see across the valley to the area where Wainstones and the Hanging Rock are located on the map. Cyclists know this area as Long Hill.

Foxlow Edge

We can also see Foxlow Edge, which will be our return route.

Shooter's Clough

We continue to climb up Shooter's Clough, only meeting one other couple using this route.

Shooter's Clough

Looking back down Shooter's Clough before the path turns towards Stake Side.

Shooter's Clough

The gate onto Stake Side is soon in view.

Combs Moss

Now we have left Shooter's Clough we can see across Errwood Reservoir to Combs Moss and a very hazy Great Ridge.

Ladder Hill

As we continue to climb up Stake Side the views across the reservoir change, here looking across Ladder Hill to a hazy Kinder.

Axe Edge Moor

As we reach the sign where we turn for Shining Tor we can look across the Cat & Fiddle to Axe Edge Moor and Whetstone Ridge.

Axe Edge Moor

Axe Edge and Axe Edge Moor across the Cat and Fiddle Road.

Shining Tor

Ahead of us one last climb before lunch at the trig on Shining Tor.

Axe Edge Moor

Looking back to Axe Edge Moor and Burbage Edge as we reach the top of the hill. It looks like the breaking clouds and blue sky we had been promised might be arriving, but I suppose the fact it isn't raining should be good enough.

Wild Moor

Looking across Shooter's Clough to Wild Moor and Combs Moss.

Shining Tor Trig

We cross into Cheshire to visit the trig at Shining Tor and to find a lunchspot that doesn't involve sitting in mud.


We have lunch looking across to Shutlingsloe, but the clouds and haze show no sign of clearing looking in this direction.

Croker Hill

As we sit having lunch the haze clears a bit and Croker Hill emerges from the gloom.

Cats Tor

Lunch over we follow the path across The Tors heading to Cats Tor.

Cats Tor

It is very quiet across here, we only see one person who is heading away from us.

Shining Tor

Looking back towards Shining Tor and all hope of the cloud disappearing fades as it appears to be building again.

Oldgate Nick

As we reach the top of Cats Tor Oldgate Nick and Windgather Rocks come into view.

Ladder Hill

Looking across Ladder Hill you can just about make out Grindslow Knoll.

Windgather Rocks

Looking across to Windgather Rocks as we approach The Street.

The Street

Heading down The Street to Foxlow Edge.

Foxlow Edge

Foxlow Edge is soon reached.

Foxlow Edge

An easy climb soon sees us walking along the top of Foxlow Edge.

Errwood Reservoir

Looking across Goyt Valley from Foxlow Edge and with no sun there is little hope of getting any good reflections in Errwood Reservoir.

Shooter's Clough

From Foxlow Edge we can see the path we followed up Shooter's Clough.

Foxlow Edge

Rather than follow the edge all the way we drop off to go through the trees below the edge, for no other reason than to vary the route a bit from the last time we were here.

Shooter's Clough

We soon reach the path running along the valley below Foxlow Edge.

Goyt Valley

We take the route we have always used to reach the ruins of Errwood Hall, but as I'd heard, the bridge that crossed this stream has now gone. Personally I had no difficulty crossing the stream, it might have been a different story if the water was higher, but I doubt it.

Errwood Hall

We soon reach the remains of Errwood Hall, but not without noticing that there has been some extensive clearing of the undergrowth and trees along the track from the stream to the hall. All that remains now is to retrace our steps back to the car.


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