Trig Points
I suppose that like many walkers I have for
years walked past trig points without really giving them any thought other
than to acknowledge them, where appropriate, as the summit of a hill. I
knew they had something to do with the creation of the maps I used and
that three of them should create a triangle, hence the name triangulation
points. The purchase of a new book; 'Peak District Trigpointing Walks' by
Keith Stevens & Peter Whittaker changed that.
Whilst many trig points are being adopted
and cared for, many are disappearing, as satellite technology has made
them obsolete and so they are no longer maintained by Ordnance Survey.
There are currently just over 6000 trig points in the United Kingdom, I
know I won't pass all of them on my walks, as many are on private land,
but this is my record of those that I do pass, an attempt to record a bit
of our heritage before they disappear.
Click on the trig point name to take you to its photos and details.
Click on date last visited to take you to the walk details.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2024